I went to visit Jen Rix last weekend, to find her husband on the floor, making things for their 3 boys. Not just ordinary things that vaguely resemble what they're supposed to be, but proper satelites and rockets! He had all the pieces sorted into colours, and Jenny boasted "my husband can make anything". I thought I'd set him a challenge, and asked him to make me a hippo. Ha! I showed him!
This is my hippo. Isnt it fantastic! Its jaw even opens and closes.
In fairness, he IS an aeronautical engineer, so I was up against it.
Well done Nathan, I am suitably impressed.
And seeing as I spend so much time giving you stick, I thought I should publicly acknowledge your cleverliness.
So what do you want next?
A mars Bar!
Ha! Ha! We dont have any brown bricks!
a walrus then
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