Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Snotty and grotty!

As is quite common this time of year in canberra, Eli has had the case of the snots for the past week or so. Nothing serious, just a bit of a runny nose.
However, he woke up on Saturady afternoon and proceeded to nearly cough up a lung.
Se we have had a few very quiet days at home, while he gets over the worst of it.
Which is why I have yet to post Kempsey Jenny's or my bro-in-law Jon's birthday cards! Sorry guys, I'll get there.
Luckily, last Thursday when I went to visit my old work colleagues, I managed to track down a Cars book that included the race between Lightning McQueen, Chick Hicks & Mr The King.
I cannot emphasise enough how important these characters are in our house right now.

Yesterday, he did not get out of his fluffy jammies all day, but spent most of the day snuggling, watching TV and his cars DVD (of course).
Don't be fooled by the following pic, he was MISERABLE!
But nothing his blanky, his Mum & his movies couldn't manage until daddy came home.
Lucky for me, Jen came at lunchtime with lunch, chocolate and Coke, so the day was manageable!
Today, he's feeling well enough to venture out.
We visited Sue and got the prerequisite chocolate- every time we drive past Cranleigh School, where Sue works, he says "Chocolate", made a soap & body butter delivery, then had a play at the Mall for a bit.
All in his brand new Lightning McQueen hoodie.

1 comment:

Blossy Bogan said...

Noice blanky! Looks VERY posh!