Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Like father, like son...

Both of my boys have had books thrust into their hands from the moment they can hold something. I remember being on holidays a few years ago, and jacob made a friend who came and had hot chips with us for lunch, and he was quite taken aback that we were all reading when he arrived (and that we drank, like- water! He said it in a voice that sounded like animal sacrifice is more acceptable).

I came out to find Eli on the loungeroom floor reading yesterday afternoon. Which is lovely, because as I said yesterday, we've been a bit house bound this week while he gets over a nasty cough (which freshened up overnight, and he is again sounding like my aunt who continues smoking despite having emphesyma).

His choice of book?

Surprisingly, not Cars.

Seems his swing needs work!!

Daddy is so proud!

I bet Poppy is too!

My dreams of mothering an Australian cricketer is once again fading into the distance.......

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