Sunday, August 01, 2010

Family trip

The first stage of the family trip was stopping a night with Trev's sister, her husband & 7 kids.
Loved it.
Eli was amazed that 9 people could live in 1 house.

Next stage, was Kempsey, to stay 4 nights with my family. Bingo, dinner at the Bowls Club, family dinner & Christmas in July.

Then, we had 2 nights at Trev's parents near Port MacQuarie, which was very nice. While there, we visited Timbertown, now known as Traintown.

Unfortunately, the full size steam trains were not working due to insurance problems.

However, the small steam trains were working, so we spent about half an hour having laps.
The train driver was awesome, he explained to Eli about the coal and the steam, and chatted the whole way 'round.

They had some other steamers that didn't require tracks, and they were Eli's favourites, as they went around the streets, did a U-Turn and then came back.

Not so chatty drivers, typical grumpy old men who probably volunteer and don't actually get paid, and who just want to drive their toy trains all day.

Two laps on that one, and we were ready to go home.

3 year old heaven, really.

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