Jacob has officially finished highschool, and his last week went out in style.
To start, he had his school musical Monday & Wednesday nights.
Emmaus school musicals are always, well, woeful.
But done in good fun & high spirits.
This year, the year 10s decided to re-do a musical they'd done in primary school, when they were in year one I think.
It was written by their Principal, and based on Pilgrim's Progress.
Now, Jacob's not really a jump up on stage kind of kid.
Over the last couple of years, he has managed to find a behind the scenes job to do, usually music and/or lights. Which is nice for the resat of the fam, because there's no point sitting through an appalling musical if your kid's not in it!
This year, he intended to do the same, but was talked into onstage roles.
He was a farmer....

yawn, not too interested, read his body language.
Then, a soldier guarding the gates of heaven.

More interested in ensuring the gates don't come crashing down than injecting any enthusiasm into the role.
His show-stealing character was one half of a two-headed monster called anger and hate.

The other half was played by Lachie, a good friend and oft-partner in crime.
They had WAY too much fun screaming at audience members, and tag teamed their vitriol hysterically. Well done.
Then, he completed his metamorphosis from fresh faced kindy kid

to on the brink of college teen.

He can barely contain his excitment.
Clearly, not a morning person, just like his Mum, not at his prettiest in the morning!

His principal handed out the certificates, there were speeches and poems and songs and awards, etc.

It was pretty significant in that some of the class had been together since PreSchool, and jacob joined the class in Kindy, so there was a lot of history shared.

Hi over there . Congratulations to our gorgeous Jacob. Growing up too fast for me, but we are ever so proud. Enjoy the break ahead. Must try and see oer our fences real soon and catch up for a quiet afternoon.
Rozzie and Stu
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