School holidays are the best times to do the things you never quite get around to doing during school terms. Some people take their kids to Questacon, zoos, playgrounds, etc. What did Eli want to do? The mopping!

Normally, when I mop, Eli lays on the carpet in the entry between the lounge room & the kitchen, pointing out where I've missed! While I'm trying not to swat the cheeky rotter. Last time, I said "Next time, do it yourself!"

So, of course he's been bugging me to do it ever since.

I'm not sure why the pics are sideways! He had a ball, although he used 4 cups of water rather than the one I usually use. I did resist laying on the carpet pointing out bits he'd missed- he woud have mopped all day if I'd let him. Who needs Questacon? :)
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