In 2010, Eli attended two playschool programs. His first Playschool was at Noah's Ark, where he & about 20 other kids, including his two best mates Ben & Harry, spent Tuesday mornings with Julie, Natalie & Amanda.
Playschool is a play based program that builds social skills in kids.
With Eli being quite shy and reticent, we thought he would benefit from this program, and he REALLY did.
He absolutely loved it, and was shettered if he had to miss it for any reason.
Much of the free play time was spent on their "building site" a dirt/mud patch behind the cubby house.
Too quickly the year passed, and the first of many Christmas parties was had.
This is Eli & Ben with Julie.
Eating chips, having the feast before they headed outside for the concert & meeting Santa.
It was a bit bright!! Here, he is getting ready to sing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. And wondering why I hadn't bought his sunnies!
Then Santa came!
This was really funny, because as soon as he walked in, Ben recognised Santa as his Dad, much to Eli's relief.He's really not so sure about the whole Santa bit.
He was quite happy to sit on this Santa's lap. But couldn't quite work out how Nathan gets to be Santa.....
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