For Earth Hour 2010, the Rix House had an Earth Hour barbie, with the Canberra fam & furniture clan.
Nath managed to cook chicken wings, sausages & hamburger patties before we had to turn the gas off- luckily, the car race finished in time.
Various people bought salads & drinks, and we all rocked up to sit around candles & solar lights, laughing at each other, and basically letting our kids go feral in the dark.
Amazingly, none of them were hurt- usually there's one minor casualty!
Just before 9, Eli hit the wall (figuratively), and needed to go home straight away, so we had to use lights & the hot water system to shower him, give him his antibiotic (an-ki-bio-kick) and put him to bed. JUST as we were finishing, my friend Tez rang from WA, and I had to madly shut the lights back off- it was only 15 mins transgression, honest!
Before the shower, this is how my feral-Earth-Hour- boy looked.
The only clean parts were his tear tracks, and under his nose where Trev had wiped the boogers away!
Noice! I had to clean the shower after my boys got out of it they were so dirty!
Loving it!! Nothing like a good old blackout to get those kids dirty. Sorry about the Earth Hour phone call. You know it was only to check if you'd cheat or not...
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