Monday, February 01, 2010

Our little chef (updated)

As I've previously written, Eli loves to cook with his Dad.
For Christmas, I bought him his own apron, and on the weekend, Trev made quiche, so Eli did too.

He cut the bacon & mushrooms himself, helped crack the eggs (his absolute favourite thing to do, complete with gross out noises), mixed the pastry ingredients together, rolled it out witha roller, all himself.
Trev was a bit miffed, Eli's pastry came out better than his.

He rolled his own pastry out, and did the putting it in the container thing himself, Trev just made it pretty before they put the filling in.

Ready to put in the oven.

Complete with the "put the camera down Mum" face....

All cooked ready to eat.
How good does it look? Genius!
Granny Kay, you're beautiful cooking skills are being passed on.
Luckily, he takes after Granny Kay in cooking, rather than Granny Gwen.

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