October is mad in our house.
Our anniversary, Treb's birthday, Jacob's birthday, Eli's birthday, one after another.
Then add on various friends, family and hangers on who celebrated Christmas/New Year the way we have, and you get LOTS of October birthdays.

For Treb's 40th, we had a barbie with our neighbours and a couple of friends. Very small, very Trev!I made him a golf themed cake, of course. It was freezing! But we had a lovely night.
Jacob is still trying to co-ordinate his (and his friends') busy lives to have a mammoth sleep-over, and Eli had his Cars themed do.
Tez cheated by making one cake for all- BUT WHAT A CAKE! Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate. She apologised that the back part had collapsed a bit under the weight of all that chocolate, so she had her landscaper-hubby "bog" it up with choc cream icing stuff- my favourite part of the cake was the back!! YUMMO!
1 comment:
Well I think the 'bogging' kind of made cake history. Glad the back was the best part!
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