Friday, August 21, 2009


Now that Eli is "Big Boy Swimming" he does a lot more "face in the water" type stuff, and his eyes get very red after each lesson.

His best friend Ben, who he swims with, wears goggles.

The first week that Eli watched Ben in his big class (before Eli joined this class) we had the following conversation:

Eli: "Look at Ben's doggles. They're cool!"

Me: "Do you like Ben's goggles"

Eli "Yep!"

Me: "Would you like me to get you some?"

Eli: "Yep!"

Me: "Would you wear them?"

Eli: "Nup!"

But each week that we go swimming, he seems very taken with Ben's doggles. So today I bought Eli a pair, thinking we'd try them on him in the bath and shower and see how he went.
Well, of course we have been outwitted again, because the first step of wearing "doggles" is to wear them while reading books!
THEN the bath.
He is in the bath as I sit and write this, demonstrating swimming and bubbles for daddy.
Shall let you all know wether he actually wears them to lessons on Wednesday!

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