Wednesday, July 01, 2009


Last night, having dinner with the Rickards, we were swapping stories about when funny things our kids have done. I told them the following story, and was told I had to blog it. It will be brought up for the 21st!

When Jacob was 5 or 6, he and I went out to a farm whose name escapes me just now, in South Canberra, for a weekend with my church group. After he went to bed, various people arrived, including Joe, a young Franciscan monk visiting from overseas. Joe was 6 foot, young (mid 20s, I guess), had a bald head and goatee and beard, and wore the garb of a Franciscan- brown hooded robe. Lovely bloke, visiting family who were attending the camp, so he came out with them.

The next morning, Jacob's happily eating breakfast, when Joe walks out. The spoon freezes halfway to Jacob's mouth, and he is instantly beside himself, whispering (but not moving!):
"Mum, there's a REAL Jedi knight!!!".

God bless Joe, he played lightsabers (lightsavers, then. Lightglobers for the Rix boys) all weekend. I was a cool mum. Then, anyway!

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