We have hair cut issues in our house.
Jacob won't get his cut often enough or short enough for me, and Eli thinks haircuts hurt.
At Christmas time, I was giving him 10 cuts a day, until he let me do a "tickle buzzy", which is a 0 on the buzz cut spectrum, but I'd gotten slack and let it grow in for winter, and my efforts to shape around his ears last week was such a disaster that a trip to the best hairdresser on the planet, Ellen was in order.

Plus, Jacob had let one of the girls in his class cut his hair while on his school trip to NT last week. It was an exceptionally good job considering she had a tiny pair of fold out scissors, but he looked a bit like a Beatle with a mullet.

Now its not the best shot, but they're much improved! Jacob has messed his up just for the photo (thinking it would stop me taking it!)
Seems Eli's more scared of combs than he is the buzzy....
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