Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Meeting Eli, our wedding and boys' baptisms.

I probably should have startred the trip down memory lane with wedding photos!
Sunday, October 3rd, 2004.
We got married at the Hotel Kurrajong here in Canberra, and it was just the best day. We had a jumping castle, face painting, a pinata, a lovely informal lunch- no speeches, no formality, it was just the best day. In fcat, we had some friend's children ask when we were getting married again as they had so much fun!

My handsome boy!!

In fact, it was so relaxed, we didnt do many formal photos, and forgot to get some important photos, like ones with our parents, and really only one of us with Jacob, below....

Poor Roz and Stu were our photographers, and we weren't very co-operative!
We do have more, but we're boring, lets get onto the boys....

I picked up a very pretty staph infection at the hospital, and my face basically melted off in the first couple of weeks after Eli was born. Very scabby, not pretty at all, so this is one of the few pics we have of all of us, and it's been "softened" to try and minimise my scabbiness!

Jacob meeting Eli. He was quite unsure of holding someone so little, and we have lots of photos of him clearly uncomfortable doing so.
He was much happier looking with someone else holding him. Now, they get up to all sorts of mischeif together! Their nightly kicking session has come so close to breaking things, its not funny.

Below, Granny Gwen is meeting Eli.

Meeting Granny Kay....
Jacob was baptised when he was 9 months old, at Tregear Anglican Church, in Tregear (western Sydney). I don't have any photos of the actual day, as my brother had consumed a bottle of wine in the park next door to the church during the ceremony, and he was our official photographer, so what photos he did take were badly out of focus!!
Mum and I took him in his baptism suit to get good photos done a few weeks later. He was quite unwell with teething at the time, so was pretty miserable, but he loved a camera, so was a real trooper. I know, the hats a bit.... y'know.... but I was 23! And it was 1994, and I was a teenager in the 80s.... poor excuse, I know....

Eli was baptised at St Benedicts, Narrabundah, when he was about 6 weeks old, as this was when Pete & Chewdy were home on a visit from the States, where they lived for a couple of years.

His outfit was far too large for him, even though it was 000.

Godma Chewdy & Godpa Pete.

I cant find my pics of Godma Roz and Stuy with him on the day, which I'll get killed for not loading, but will load some others of him and them next time.

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